Noticias y Actividades

Publicado el 27/07/2007

'Hurdles in the Information Age on Public Health Practice and Health Care Delivery'
Videoconferencia (en español) * Luis Kun * Miércoles 29 de agosto

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El Capítulo Argentino de la IEEE Computer Society invita a la Videoconferencia del Dr. Luis Kun sobre 'Hurdles in the Information Age on Public Health Practice and Health Care Delivery', que se dictará en español el próximo miércoles 29 de agosto a las 15:30 (hora argentina, GMT-3).

The implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and a Health Information Infrastructure both at the National and Global levels has been a lot slower than many estimated just a few decades ago. Although “Costs & Privacy” seem to be two of the reasons most commonly attributed to these delays, few people focus on the potential savings that could occur by having both the EHR and a National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII). Health care costs are the fastest growing segment of government and personal expenditures.
One of the attempts to control these escalating costs is managed care. So far the data on effectiveness of managed care in controlling these costs is mixed.
Life expectancy on the other hand, has increased. The over-65 population is increasing with the over-85 group increasing the most rapidly. From an economic point of view the "elderly" represents by far the biggest expense and as this group increases so do the expenses.
Most of the talk in terms of the benefits of telemedicine has been mainly in the area of "rural health" since it affects 55 million lives in this country (USA) alone. Telehealth and in particular telemedicine however offer some unique opportunities for the elderly and as such its economic, cultural, social and technological impacts can be phenomenal. Nursing homes and in particular home care will become much more cost and clinically effective by utilization of these technologies.
In the Information Age implementation and support of the National and Global Health Information Infrastructures (NHII/GHII) strategic plan will occur through the utilization of High Performance Computing and Communications [HPCC] and Intelligent Agents . HPCC technology provides a potentially huge payoff in health care. From tele-consultations to availability of health-related databases, the effect of using HPCC will enhance patient care, improve drug design, and broaden access to medical information.
With the incorporation of these technologies to genome-map related discovery we are at the verge of doing true disease prevention. Geographic distance, time to accomplish tasks, separation of people from resources, and outdated organizational structures are impediments that inhibit the ultimate achievement of all these goals. Information technology has a pervasive and unprecedented ability to remove these barriers to progress.

Luis Kun
(Ph.D., FIEEE) is Professor of Systems Management, IRM College, National Defense University, USA. His expertise is in medical informatics, and his consultant work covers health care, public health and scientific computing.
Dr. Kun is a Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). He Chairs the Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee for the IEEE-USA and the Bioterrorism and Homeland Security Working Group for its Medical Technology Policy Committee. He is a member of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Public Policy Committee and also co-chairs the Knowledge in Motion Working Group (Telehealth, Internet & mobile Computing). He advises several Federal Departments, plus the U.S. Congress and the Executive Branch on information technology infrastructure related to health care; terrorism, e-government and homeland cybersecurity. He is also a member of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) since 1999 where he is the current Secretary-Treasurer.
As a professor of systems management at the Information Resources Management College at the National Defense University, Dr. Kun has developed and teaches the Homeland Security curricula. He teaches courses on infrastructure control systems, supervisory control and data acquisition, which focuses on awareness and protection of the government's infrastructure devices and control centers.
He spent 14 years at IBM, where he developed the first six clinical applications for the IBM PC; was one of the pioneers on bedside terminals for Intensive Care; and a developer of a semi-expert, real-time, clinical decision support system. He was also the technical manager of the Nursing Point of Care System at IBM. Dr. Kun was the biomedical engineer in the team of four that developed the first Teleradiology system and the first Picture Archival and Communications Systems to run on an IBM platform. He was also Director of Medical Systems Technology and Strategic Planning at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in LA.
Dr. Kun received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, all from UCLA.
Para más detalles (en español) sobre la actividad profesional del Dr. Kun ver:

Fecha y hora: Miércoles 29 de Agosto 15:30 (Hora argentina, GMT-3)
La videoconferencia se dictará en idioma español.
Esta Videoconferencia se transmitirá al ámbito latinoamericano con tecnología IP/H.323 a través de la Red CLARA (Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas y el sitio receptor debe contar con facilidades técnicas compatibles.
Los interesados deben comunicarse por e-mail a en formato preferentemente 'solo texto' y con el subject: 'IEEE: Solicitud para participar en la VC del Dr. Kun', indicando la siguiente Información:
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- Mensajería instantánea: Durante el evento el responsable técnico deberá estar on-line con un servicio de mensajería instantánea.

NOTA: El Dr. Kun también dictará una Conferencia Invitada en las 36 JAIIO Jornadas Argentinas de Informática, que se realizarán en Mar del Plata a partir del 27 de agosto. Para información sobre las 36 JAIIO ver


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